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Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill - Harrodsburg KY Haunted Place

  • 3501 Lexington Rd.
  • Harrodsburg, KY
  • (859) 734-5411
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This village is said to be the largest restored Shaker village in the United States. It is made up of 3,000 acres and contains 34 original Shaker buildings, and some ghosts, too! It has been said that ghostly babies can be heard crying at night near the pond.
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  • Room 616 east.

    Well. Didn't think about anything until I was woken up around 3 am with chills that started at my feet up my body. I tried to move and speak out to my husband. Nothing. I kept fighting until I could muffel out his name then I was released. It totally freaked me out. I raised the blinds in the room. Glad it was a super moon. Thank God I didn't see anything. The next night had different room. I looked up hauntings about this place. Thought on no... I'm a Christian and saw a post from another Christian who said what the bible says rebuke evil spirit in Jesus name flee fro.e me. So went to bed got woken up again felt the chills. Started to freak out but I rebuked the spirit and it worked. I was still not able sleep wondering if it would happen again, got home a week later. Same thing happened I was woken up could not move or speak but my voice was trying to say to my husband call 911 I'm having a heart attack. Freaking out again and rebuked the spirit and was fine. Almost went to the dr but didnt. Nothing else has happened. Thank God ?? I have been looking on utube and others have had some of the same experiences call it sleep paralysis. I'm glad I didn't see anything. Do not want this to happen again. I'm staying close to my bible and praying as I always do.

    Posted 10/31/24

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  • Tanyard

    I don't believe a word of anything like "a spirit named Polly." There's something incredibly evil in that place. I stayed there in the 80s when I was a little boy. My mother is 79 now and nearly goes to tears when you bring that place up. I don't think "great" or "poor" either one really explain...

    Posted 7/9/24

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  • 6-30-2024 haunted room 194 west family house

    First don’t mess with these spirits. They are real and nothing to play with. I am 71, a devout Christian man and understand spiritual matters intimately. My wife and I stayed in room 194 Sunday night and nothing.July 1 I was woke up with the covers over my feet being touched and messed with. I kicked slightly thinking a mouse was walking back and forth on the sheet and it stoppped momentarily. I thought it must be my imagination. In seconds it started again more active. I kicked and it stopped. Within seconds it was much more noticeable such a one gently moving the sheets as to say,” you need to get up now.” I knew exactly what was going on and firmly said ,” in the name of Jesus I rebuke you and you have to leave now.” Instantly it stopped and peace restored to the room. Please hear me. When you die you either go to heaven or hell. You don’t hang around. The Bible tells you all you need to know what happens after death. The Bible says we wrestle not with flesh and blood but powers and principalities of the air. These are disembodied spirits that roam the earth. What are demons? I can’t teach that now as it would take to long. The Bible teaches they seek dark dry places to hide such a cave, old abandoned buildings, etc. they often will imitate previous inhabitants fooling the unwary of what they are. If you are a true born again believer in Christ you have the authority to dispatch them in the name of Jesus. If you do not serve Jesus using his name will be fruitless as you will not have the power of the Holy Spirit in you. This is real stuff and nothing fun to mess with. A spirit can actually follow you home or attach itself to you. Please be careful! If you want to know what demons actually are read the 1st book of Enoch. The 2nd book is false and not worth your time. Room 194 of the West building is haunted. I won’t stay there again. Usually as Christians we will take anointing oil and touch all door and window frames and ask the Lord to remove any spirits and protect us and invite the Holy Spirit and the angels to watch over us. That does it for us but we didn’t do it this time not thinking. What I am telling is true and factual and you can do what you want with this information. These are not ghosts, but demon spirits posing as former people.

    Posted 7/4/24

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  • im going to exorcise the tanyard

    i posted another comment on this thread a while back. but as an update- i still work at the villiage. i haven't been in the tanyard in a while but i have been doing my research on it since the last time i was in there. something about that place struck a cord in me and i still believe it's not a ghost. it's something awful- i don't know what yet but im going to find out. on the halloween after i turn eighteen, im going to stay in the tanyard by myself. i will be accompanied by an infared camera, an emf, salt, holy water, various symbols to protect myself, my rosary and my saint benidict token. i will have to learn more about the force in that house, so ill have to stay a few nights. ive been planning this exorcism since the first time i went inside the tanyard. i don't know if i will fix anything- ive never done a full exorcism on a building but it's a good start. i have been doing my research since i was a kid and i can very easily reach out and understand demons, spirits and whatnot. i guess you could say im a sensitive- but that also means i have to be extra careful. i could very easily end up with polly or zozo attached to me and i don't need that. so ill have to be in a good headspace and i will need lots of protection. this post probably sounds overdramatic but i mean every word. by 2025, the tanyard will be a peaceful place. for some people it is, and ive found patterns that indicate the spirit only targets certain people. so if you stayed in the tanyard and didn't experience anything, that's just because your situation is not significant to whatever is in that house. but if you did experience something, you very likely still have a part of that place attached to you and you probably need to try to ward it off. but soon i won't worry about all that because ill make it a safe place. other employees and my employers don't know about my plan. and they never will- but im hoping that there will be a noticeable difference. anyway, wish me luck and maybe try staying in the tanyard after this halloween!!

    Posted 7/24/23

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    1 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Ministry Shop not fun at night

    We were looking for a hotel that would accommodate our four kids and our dog in the area. I came across Shaker village; it looked cool, and there weren't many other options. When we arrived, we were charmed by the house and grounds. It's a 210 year old building with all kinds of lovely character. We learned there was a farm-to-table restaurant there in the village, so we immediately made reservations. When we got there, we discovered it is an upscale restaurant with higher than expected prices (with four kids, it adds up!). We were sat at the table, and I noticed our chairs were vibrating quite a lot. We asked to move, and the manager reluctantly agreed. Our kids were complaining and arguing the whole time, very out of character for them. My husband and I weren't exactly at ease either. We got our food, and it was delicious, but the mood was so bad I sent my ten year old outside, where he was finally able to be calm. As evening approached and we began to get ready to sleep, I suddenly didn't want to stay the night. But, I knew it would be extremely hard to leave, find another place, and would probably lose the money we had paid for the stay. We are Christians and decided we were protected. The building itself is leaning, and the floor of the children's room is very slanted, about 5in lower on one side than the other. So they raised the beds at the head so they would be level. Because of this, the beds squeaked very loudly when someone on it moved. My son tossed and turned the whole night, and our dog was restless and moved around a lot during the night. Other than that, nothing happened, but I was terrified the whole night. The old wood planked floors didn't squeak at all, but with all the noise, I always thought someone was entering the house and walking around. When morning came, so did the peace and quiet. I chalked it up to my imagination. Then we met a few other people outside that had stayed the night, and two of them had the same experience as I did. We learned about the Shakers, and the more we learned, the worse their beliefs got. They didn't call themselves the Shakers, but were named because they would shake during their services. The grounds are beautiful, but we will not go there again.

    Posted 6/12/23

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  • warning- demonic forces at shaker village -beware

    i work at the trustees table; the restaurant in shaker village. my job kind of sucks to be honest. the only reason i stay is because i love investigating the paranormal. there is another person who works at the village who also loves that aspect of the place. someone who has keys to everywhere in the village. we go out to different places sometimes and try to contact anything. the most activity we've ever experienced together was in the tanyard house. it was friggin crazy. we heard footsteps, lots of noises from upstairs, i felt something touch my hair, and one night, as we were leaving; i was telling the house adios, and there was a loud bang in the kitchen. when i heard footsteps the loudest was when we were in the first bedroom upstairs. there's a hallway on the side of it and a small window you can see through in between. we were standing in the bedroom and the person i was with was talking but i heard what i know for a fact was footsteps right beside us in the hallway. it was dark but i didn't see anything through the little window. it sounded like heavy boots walking swiftly through the hallway. there was obviously no one else in the house with us and we were standing still. anyways, the tanyard house gave me the worst headache i've ever had in my life. we even explored the attic and though nothing happened while we were up there, my legs started shaking so bad they almost buckled. i am not scared of the other world within this world. but because i'm very open to it, my body reacts very much to it. don't stay in the tanyard house without some sort of spiritual protection. whatever is there is not and never was human. its a demon or something malicious. i know everyone says a ghost named polly resides there but this so called sweet and friendly polly showed its true colors, and its not what we think. its a demon. while there was a shaker named polly, i dont believe she ever stayed in the tanyard. some people call it zozo but i cant say for sure that's what it is. whatever it is, its evil. stay calm and protect yourself and your family if you stay there. i don't ever want to hear about a demonic entity attaching itself to someone who stayed in the tanyard. please warn anyone who needs to know. stay safe. there is one other place in the village that i know about with a demon or something evil. that's the highest floor of the trustees office. if you stay up there, do not contact or speak to anything that does anything. if you give it attention, it feeds on it. it followed me home one night after making me cry. i prefer not to give details but just trust me. whatevers up there is as bad as whatevers in the tanyard. once again, be safe. don't talk to the entity in the trustees and don't trust whatevers in the tanyard.

    Posted 11/10/22

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  • goofy

    it was so fun when i got spooked by the man in bed room not sure if he was a ghost or not

    Posted 10/27/22

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  • wash house

    Me and my family stayed in the wash house over spring break. At night I didn’t get much sleep because I heard muffle talking from the attic and the rocking chairs started to move. One day when we came back from a tour around the property some of the furniture was flipped upside down was very weird.

    Posted 7/9/22

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  • wash house

    Stayed in the wash house over spring break with my family late at night I heard footsteps and the chairs started rocking. One day after we left to go on a tour we came back and the furniture was upside down. Weird right very scary place.

    Posted 7/9/22

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  • Didn't get much sleep that night

    After spending most of the day touring Pleasant Hill, we stayed overnight in 1998 in one of the upstairs guest rooms in a building that had housed the elderly adults of the Shaker community. Sleeping on an old-fashioned rope bed is not the most comfortable to begin with, but what really made it hard to sleep was the sound of footsteps out in the hallway and muffled voices throughout the night. I thought it was the sound of other visitors. The next morning I found out we were the only people who had stayed in the building that night.

    Posted 3/29/21

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  • Ghost children

    First I’ll apologize because I’m about to tell on myself: they had closed off the upper rooms where the children used to have bedrooms (above the mess hall) but I snuck in anyway to have a peak. It was bare besides some wooden furniture, as I stood in the middle of the room I heard children laughing playfully and felt / heard them running around me on the floorboards. I went back down after the experience to count for all the children currently in the house and the only other child was a newborn baby strapped to a parents chest. It was a nice encounter overall, it was not a malicious presence.

    Posted 10/30/20

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  • Tanyard House

    Very active spirit by the name Polly. Foot steps, doors opening and closing and rocking chairs moving all night! We would love to go back!

    Posted 8/22/20

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  • Tanyard House

    Stayed at the Tanyard House for a family Christmas gathering. Very active spirit by the name of Polly. We experienced foot steps, rocking chairs moving and doors opening all night.

    Posted 8/22/20

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  • Visited twice

    Pretty grounds. Interesting history. Nothing supernatural at all happened to me or my friends. Rating of 1 due to nothing paranormal experienced at all.Great to visit.

    Posted 7/21/19

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Last edit to this listing: 4/28/2017 (2843 days ago)

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